Computer Practice Sheet Pivot Animator-4

Animations with Pivot Animator- 4

Q.1 Select the correct option:

a. Animation is displaying still images in a rapid sequence to create the impression of_____________
i. Movement           iii. Act
ii. Action                iv. Command

b. The stick figure is moved by clicking on the _____________ dot.
i. Yellow               iii. Blue
ii. Orange              iv. White

c. A stick figure consists of ____________ connected by pivoting
i. Segments             iii. Divisions
ii. Sector                 iv. Patter

d. Which of the following option can be used to position the stick
figures accurately?
i. Loop                    iii. Add frame
ii. Red handle         iv. Arrow keys

Q.2 State the statement as True or False:

a. Tween is the short form for ‘in-between’ which means creating
frames of animation in between two key frames to create smooth

b. .pvi is the default file extension for pivot file.

c. A flip book is a book with a series of images that gradually change from one Page to another.

Q.3 Answer in brief:

a. Write the difference between a red handle and an orange origin
handle in Pivot Animator.

b. Riya has created an animation and now she wants to save her
animation .Help her in doing the same.

c. Priya wants to create an animation.  Help her to create the animation.

Q.4 Learn the various parts of the following Pivot Animator window.  Pg-11 of the workbook.

Q.5 Identify the controls and write their use.Pg-10 of the workbook.


  1. Its excellent, thanks for such practice paper, it gives idea for kids to answer the questions


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