E.E The Scarlet Flower: A Russian Folktale Q/A 1.What gifts did the three children ask for? A. The eldest daughter asked for a gold crown. The second daughter wanted a mirror as clear as crystal. Nastenka, the youngest wanted only a scarlet flower. 2. How did the merchant spot the scarlet flower? What happened then? A. One day, some robbers attacked the merchant. He fled to the woods and wandered around till he reached a lovely garden. He spotted the most beautiful scarlet flower in the middle of the garden. When he reached out to pluck the flower, a terrible beast appeared before him. The beast was very angry with the merchant and imprisoned him. 3. On what condition did the beast agree to let the merchant go? A. The beast agreed to let the merchant go on the condition that within the next three days one of the merchant’s daughters would come and live with him, else he would kill the merchant. He gave the merchant a gold ring instructed him to put the...